Thursday, September 1, 2011

Home Sweet Home - Mostly

I was going to post yesterday about odds and ends, however I was doing this instead :

View from our kitchen
We were able to move in yesterday.  I know all of those quotes about home being where the heart is, or where they have to take you in, etc.  I have a different idea - it's where you can permanently put your clothes away.  We've been living out of a suitcase for about 6 weeks at this point and it's been driving me nuts.  I'm in the middle of doing mounds of laundry to get rid of that musty, been-in-a-suitcase-for-six-weeks smell.

We have received our air shipment of several quickly needed things.  We used it mostly for the kids stuff and a few "homey" touches.  Right now we have rental furniture until our things arrive - probably in another month, at the earliest.  Until then, touches like this are so important:

Thanks, mom - I still love it!
Nathan saw this picture and immediately stated that something finally feels like home.

And now I'm off to unpack more suitcases, do more laundry, and figure out how to heat up the hot tub!  I'll do my "odds and ends" post tomorrow!

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